Friday, September 02, 2005


After intermittent furious tears inspired by radio and tv images of Katrina's devastated victims throughout the day, I have acted and quit weeping. Several emails to politicians and a donation to the American Red Cross later, I feel a little less powerless. Although no less pissed off.

In marathon news, I read the October issue of Runner's magazine today at the gym and I have a renewed commitment to my training. They said this is the hardest stretch--the monster month--when you feel the most tired, run the longest and have the least motivation. They also said that if you're recovering from a slump, injury-induced or otherwise, don't go all crazy trying to "catch up" by overdoing mileage.

That was very important for me to read. 'Cuz you know that's exactly what I was fixin' to do.

Last night after writing down all the activities I had planned for these days I realized it was too much. So, no run this morning; but I did upper body with TTT and a half hour on the ARC machine. I did hill intervals and it felt good. Spinning tomorrow. Long run Sunday. I'm actually looking forward to it. I hope my hip is, too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This may be too esoteric for some but not, I trust, for you:

Better to conquer yourself
than others.
When you've trained yourself,
living in constant self-control,
neither a deva nor gandhabba,
nor a Mara banded with Brahmas,
could turn that triumph back into defeat.

-Dhammapada, 8, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.

5:01 PM  
Blogger divine m said...

Interesting, but the language troubles me a little bit. My aim these days is neither to conquer nor control, but to unite with the divine wisdom my body contains.

The attempts at conquering and controlling are what have always gotten me into trouble. . . .

6:34 AM  

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