First proper pace workout
I guess I've got more endurance than speed in my bones. Or wherever.
My six-mile pace workout today felt harder than my 10 miler on Saturday. I think I might be pushing it a little too hard, though. The aim is to switch from my 3:2 breathing pattern (inhale on 3 footfalls and exhale for 2--an easy, regular pace) to a pace that forces a 2:1 pattern, moving from aerobic to anaerobic. I think there may be a big range within the anaerobic pace and I'm pushing it beyond where I need to. And it poops me out. I can hardly keep it up for two minutes before I fall back to the 3:2 pace. I ended up doing several repeats of 40-seconds hard running with 40-seconds recovery. Then I upped it to a minute, then a minute and a half, then finally two minutes.
And it kicked my ass. I was still sweating after breakfast (oatmeal with bluberries and almonds and some turkey breast). Still sweating after my bath. Still sweating in the car on the way to work. But then I cooled off and haven't sweat since.
'Course, the ass-kicking could be because of my period. It just sneaked up on me. But thankfully, it explains the lower back pain.
Tomorrow morning I'm meeting with TT, and I hope she works me harder than I've ever been worked. I love the feeling of building muscles. I think I can see the biggest difference in my arms. There's still a long way to go, but I know I'm reshaping my body. My abs are crying to pop out, but I'm afraid I'll have to lose quite a bit of blub before anyone's gonna see the results there. But that's what I'm here for.
In TT's words, the marathon-training will help me "lean up." Isn't that such a nicer way to put it? Somehow it takes the emotion out of the weight-loss game.
What kills me is how long I continue to sweat after a run. Yesterday, after not running for three days, was the first time just how much a difference it made. I actually got dressed while dry. Amazing!
'Splain this breathing stuff. I tried to pay attention to my breathing today, but couldn't get the rhythm down. Maybe I'll record my (heavy) breathing and you can listen and tell me what's going on.
i just can't bring myself to run. do you ever feel like the twins are beating against your lungs when you do? because that's how i feel, and it does not help with my breathing at all, dammit.
Ahhh, sweating. It's a beautiful thing. Except when it doesn't stop and soaks your dress clothes. Damn.
But I like to imagine each drop as full of toxins miraculously exiting my body.
I'm also convinced that the more you sweat, the more you sweat. What I mean by that is the better shape you're in the more open the pores are or something. . . .
As for the boobage issues, see Wednesday's post. Sid, I'll get the details on my favorite bra for ya!
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